I have run a remote marathon on all 7 continents.
Did you know it takes 42 Russian sailors to crew a ship to Antarctica for 100 marathon runners? They work 12 hour shifts for wages in a depreciating Rubal.
Did you know the Aborigines believe if a photo is taken of them their spirit remains on earth…thus not pictured here?
Did you know that many porters climb a nearly 20,000 mountain in tattered clothing and shoes worn through for $5 a day. If inclement weather hits they are risking their lives in hopes to feed their families.
Did you know there’s an American married to a Galapian that puts on a yearly marathon to give people a natural experience of the Galapagos and a desire to preserve it from the invading commercial tourism?
Did you know I was more lost in the mass concrete and milling millions of people in Tokyo than any remote ends of the earth marathon.
Did you know I cannot read French? Those bottles that looked like water were actually VITAMIN water. My skin turned orange and I smelt like a carrot for weeks after this marathon. Ouch to running over cobblestones!
Did you know I also ran the Midnight Sun Marathon in Alaska? And The Catalina Marathon.,The Tahiti Half Marathon, and 5 Half Ironmans. The list will remain open ended because there is a world of experience just waiting to be tried, at any age and at any pace.
Did you know this is where it all began? Living in a populated area can actually be a lonely and remote experience. Though among so many people, you hardly know each other’s names, let alone anything about each other. We ,so often, hardly make eye contact.
I set out to change that for myself. I literally RAN around the world. It quickly became less about PRs and more about the experience. Not how fast I ran, or how far I went, but the cultures and people I got to meet. It started the healing from a divorce and rebuilt a reason to live . I keep a blog carenware.wordpress.com It’s kind of look where I ran, look who I ran into, look what I learned. Running has literally changed my life and enhanced its experience in ways worth sharing. And I got to meet YOU.
I had the privilege to make a difference in the lives of these Hispanic kids living in the ‘hood’ in LA. They made a difference in me.
They had drive and desire and wanted to run…fast. They became High School State Champions and all got college scholarships and are now graduates! I wanted to come back and tell them about other people who had plights. I came back knowing I had to do something that would help real needs for real people. Change to: really help real people with real needs.
I, Caren Ware , am a USA Track & Field hurdler, heptathlete (7 combined events: 200m,800m, hurdles, long jump, high jump, Shot put , and javelin), and Steeplechase runner. I have won 13 National Championship Masters Titles and 2 World Championships. I climb, hike, bike, ski, and trail run. Jackson Hole ,Wyoming has my heart, but I love all the remote corners of the earth. I time events in California, Hawaii, Wyoming and all over the world. I can think of nothing more fulfilling than meeting you on this adventure called life.
Coming soon is my book, FINDING FIT, a lifetime of running away from things, after things , and into people. It’s quite a story you won’t want to miss.
Ware in the World Foundation
Enhancing lives, providing experiences, and helping fund fun fitness locally and internationally.